Importance Of Numeracy Development

Improved Essays
Numeracy development aims at improving the abilities of a child in constructing a strong foundation in all aspects, especi ally, in mathematics. The development also has the objective of providing children with a base for knowledge and comprehension issues in various aspects. Numeracy development tends to give children the necessary means for researching ideas and developing skills that help them to think. Numeracy development is important because it provides pupils with the platform to learn and be able to apply the skills to real life situations.
Numeracy aims at developing the ability of children in building a strong foundation in all aspects of mathematics. The short-term aim is major to have children acquire a sound foundation of understanding
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The curriculum includes issues of solving problems, reasoning, and numeracy skills of pupils who are 40 to 60 months old and from 60 months and above. The numeracy competencies in the first stage are developed in a practical manner in identifying shapes and patterns, counting and measuring, and the sorting activities. These are events planned for by teachers to help the childrem to develop mathematical skills in exploring and playing games. Teachers are expected to use words and names that are in order and are familiar. They should ensure that thechildren count each day up to twenty in the age bracket of 40 to 60 months. The children should be able to solve problems related to the doubling of numbers, sharing and halving.
Reception class students (between 40-60+ months) are taught mathematics using the foundation stage curriculum by teachers. This stage stipulates that numeracy is divided into two learning areas that include:
2.Shape, space, and measures.
At the end of foundation stage, children’s early learning goals are the expectations for most children to be at. For example, in the case on numbers emphasis will be on; -
i.Being able to count numbers up to 20 ii.To know one less and one more than a given number. iii.To uses resources to add and subtract two digit numbers that are single such as using
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The medium-term plan defines the objectives to be addressed over each half term. These ensure that the balance of work is appropriate as a whole and that there is suitable coverage over the year. These plans will be drawn by class teachers, and the review is done by the leader of the subject. The short-term plans are completed by class teachers on a weekly basis. They record the objectives of learning and success criteria for each lesson while giving Mental and oral starters’ details. The main teaching input will include activities that are independent and in groups, key questions, and plenary sessions. At early years of the foundation stage, mathematics is taught in reception and nursery classes. The children’s mathematical aspects are related to the goals of early learning which underpins the planning curriculum for children that are aged between three and five years. This gives children the ability to understand measurement, number, space, pattern, and shape through structured activities and play that will allow exploring, practice, enjoy, and talk about mathematics

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