Thesis Statement:
While the number of people with tattoos is continually growing as a unique way to identify their individual, but the society and employers are still reluctant to employ people with visible tattoos.
APA Reference Citation 1:
Oksanen, A., & Turtiainen, J. (2005). A life told in ink: Tattoo narratives and the problem of the self in late modern society. Auto / Biography, 13(2), 111-130. doi:
“A life told in ink: Tattoo narratives and the problem of the self in late modern society” by Oksanen, A., & Turtiainen, J. has explored tattoos as a shared cultural experience, rather than as a fad. As the authors describe …show more content…
This source is going to develop my thesis as statistical information as the authors use details about experiments and statistics to effectively convince us that tattoos can harm perceptions. This will be an interesting aspect since the article will lead the readers to form options that can lead to the refute of a counterargument on how tattoo plays an impact to the …show more content…
(2017, February 22). The C-suite responds: are piercings & tattoos in the workplace still taboo? Retrieved from
In the article “The C-Suite Responds: Are Piercings & Tattoos in the Workplace Still Taboo?” Suzanne Lucas tells a story on the concerned about negative impacts of tattoos either in finding employment or rising in the career field. While there are definitely employers who discriminate against tattoos, it has becoming much more likely that the majority of people nowadays not going to care unless an individual has visible tattoos on the face, or above the neck. She points out the fact that getting tattoos that can be easily covered up is a good way to mitigate the risks of discrimination.
Statement of use:
I will use Lucas's essay to prove my argument that it is more of poor planning on the part of the person being tattooed rather than an overall indication that society, more specifically employer, just cannot deal with tattoos. This source is going to develop my thesis as a counterargument. Looking at the research, we can definitely see that there has been progress towards the acceptance of tattoos in the workplace, but highly visible tattoos can still have a negative impact, especially in customer facing jobs. I think that this article has shown an accurate reflection of changing employer attitudes towards tattoos as a