Positive Effects Details
Generates balanced, non-whitewashed racially-themed discussion ● POVs from ministers, experts and students o Multi-faceted discourse generates wide spectrum of insights
Induces mindset changes by allowing students to make informed choice on what is right or wrong
Provide platform for open discussion of racial issues ● Calling-in allows opinion sharing without fear of judgement by peers
○ “Call-in talk shows have given ordinary people a channel to express their views”
Generates positive racially-related mindset changes and motivation to pursue inter-racial embracement ● Social experiments allow audience to realise self-perpetuation of negative racial stereotypes
Proposal Limitations Possible …show more content…
“[For DevHub], before gamification, about 10 percent of users finished building their sites. Now, almost 80 percent of them do” o Exchangeable for rewards
Incentivises participation
● Students may view content cynically
○ Difficult to change mindsets
○ Unintended discrimination could arise ● Host guide discussion constructively
○ Deconstruct discrimination that occurs
○ Engage experts to disprove stereotypes
○ R Wilson-Green (The Irony of Proving Discrimination) : “The act of generating a false representation of a group of people, which is often times untrue and oversimplified, is known as stereotyping”
We conducted an anonymous survey regarding feasibility and appeal of Talking Race (refer to Appendix F), receiving 29 responses from students aged 13-18. Fig. 41. Pie chart showing willingness to tune into TV