Many countries were wary about accepting these refugees based on their religion. Many of these refugees found themselves in refugee camps which are poorly run, dangerous and can add …show more content…
She speaks specifically about the refugee camps and the effects of these camps on the refugees. “Although refugees residing inside the camps are protected from military violence, inside the camps they are vulnerable to physical violence, torture, sexual assault, and rape” (Baker, 2015, p. 2). It is also discussed that even if refugees aren’t subject to these abuses themselves they witness them daily. Witnessing or enduring this kind of abuse on a daily basis can leave a person living in fear which can be very damaging to their mental state. Although Syrian culture puts a heavy emphasis on family and makes a family be their symbol of strength this repeated violence or threat of violence can cancel out the protective factor that is the family. “Between three and 30 percent of Syrian refugees experience clinical depression and between 50 and 57 percent experience Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder” (Baker, 2015, p, 2). Baker also notes that among refugees in the camps there was an overall feeling of hopelessness and that although some of their coping skills could be considered positive many of them were also …show more content…
They compared the results of both therapies to determine which one was more effective in this study. There is a great deal of information on CR and how it was administered to the clients. CR consists of being “…taught to spot dysfunctional thoughts and thinking errors, elicit rational alternative thoughts, and reappraise beliefs about themselves, the trauma, and the world” (Marks, Lovell, Noshirvani, Livanou,, and Thrasher ,1998,). This is done in the early sessions by monitoring each negative thought throughout the day in a diary then in session with the practitioner discussing the reasoning and pros and cons of those negative thoughts. As the sessions progress the client then works on identifying and changing their automatic beliefs regarding trauma and various other aspects of the world such as their futures. This process then changes the person belief about a certain situation by restructuring how they process the