Adolf initiates the novel describing his childhood and how he suffered the abuses of his alcoholic father and the loss of his mother at a crucial stage of his life. He had a great bond with his mother and when the day came that she stopped breathing it he fell apart. His mother was his hero, his model, his rock, his one and only. Some might say that Adolf was a “mama’s boy”, but I think that he was just really close to her and that is why he suffered so much from her passing away. It feels strange to say it, but I can actually relate Hitler because if my mother were to die I wouldn’t know how to pick up the pieces and continue on with my life. Mothers and sons have one of the strongest bonds that exist. Relating to person that caused so much damage and was filled with so much evil is really difficult. I believe that if Hitler’s mom wouldn’t have passed away so early in his life (Hitler was a young adult) the course of humanity might have been completely different. Some people might not know that Hitler had Jewish descent. Even though Adolf had Jewish blood running through his veins he still hated all Jews and everything that had to do with Jews. There was a phrase that Adolf used in the Mein Kampf that really set the tone of his hatred, it said “the personification of the devil as the symbol of all evil assumes the living shape of the Jew” (Hitler, 1926). Hitler believed that Jews were the reason why Germany was struggling to flourish again after the WWI and he believed that Jews were biologically inferior to the rest of the people. Hitler believed that Sparta was the perfect society and it seemed that he was trying to follow their footsteps because in Sparta they would separate those who were weak and deformed from those who were strong and healthy. Hitler attempted to separate Jews (physically and mentally inferior) from those who were strong like the Aryans. When Hitler gained power of Germany when he reached the position of Chancellor in 1933 he started demanding that people had to have the Mein Kampf in their personal library or they were going to be considered as “Jew Lovers”. After finishing the Mein Kampf I learned that Hitler’s hatred towards Jews and Gypsies originated because he believed that Germany was a nation for the hard-working
Adolf initiates the novel describing his childhood and how he suffered the abuses of his alcoholic father and the loss of his mother at a crucial stage of his life. He had a great bond with his mother and when the day came that she stopped breathing it he fell apart. His mother was his hero, his model, his rock, his one and only. Some might say that Adolf was a “mama’s boy”, but I think that he was just really close to her and that is why he suffered so much from her passing away. It feels strange to say it, but I can actually relate Hitler because if my mother were to die I wouldn’t know how to pick up the pieces and continue on with my life. Mothers and sons have one of the strongest bonds that exist. Relating to person that caused so much damage and was filled with so much evil is really difficult. I believe that if Hitler’s mom wouldn’t have passed away so early in his life (Hitler was a young adult) the course of humanity might have been completely different. Some people might not know that Hitler had Jewish descent. Even though Adolf had Jewish blood running through his veins he still hated all Jews and everything that had to do with Jews. There was a phrase that Adolf used in the Mein Kampf that really set the tone of his hatred, it said “the personification of the devil as the symbol of all evil assumes the living shape of the Jew” (Hitler, 1926). Hitler believed that Jews were the reason why Germany was struggling to flourish again after the WWI and he believed that Jews were biologically inferior to the rest of the people. Hitler believed that Sparta was the perfect society and it seemed that he was trying to follow their footsteps because in Sparta they would separate those who were weak and deformed from those who were strong and healthy. Hitler attempted to separate Jews (physically and mentally inferior) from those who were strong like the Aryans. When Hitler gained power of Germany when he reached the position of Chancellor in 1933 he started demanding that people had to have the Mein Kampf in their personal library or they were going to be considered as “Jew Lovers”. After finishing the Mein Kampf I learned that Hitler’s hatred towards Jews and Gypsies originated because he believed that Germany was a nation for the hard-working