Susanna admitted herself voluntarily but she was also coerced by her parents to some extent. The patient must change the way they interpret the world and are obliged to become objective in their thinking instead of subjective. The doctors and symbolic interaction seek to know the truth. Whereas, an objective point of view is based on an individual’s opinion. One becomes a mental health patient when their symptoms threaten the actions of their daily life. The effects of becoming a mental health patient may affect ones relationships with their families. The transition often alienates the person …show more content…
The theory that dictates the premise of the movie is symbolic interactionism and the three components associated with that theory are: the social construct of reality, the stages of the mentally ill identity and the transition from civilian to mental health patient. The whole movie ties in the idea that our behaviors, personalities and actions feed off of the notion of what society deems or constructs to be normal or real. Society creates the stigma and our education of mental health comes from ideas that have been socially constructed and may not be true. Others interpretation of our opinions and actions are formed through their observation of our relationships and interactions but there are various factors to consider and not everyone should be evaluated the