Working out in the pool might not seem like the most effective way to slim down and shape up, but a pool-based workout burns a surprising number of calories, boosts your metabolism, works every muscle in your body, and improves your over-all fitness level. Working out in the swimming pool is so effective because water provides natural resistance – as it is almost 800 times denser than air – so each movement that you make while submerged in water works your muscles harder than doing similar cardio- or strength-based exercise on dry-land.
Getting Started
Most people think that working out in the pool consists of jumping in and swimming a few lengths, but getting a decent workout in the pool requires a bit more effort. Training in …show more content…
At a high intensity, you can burn 17 calories per minute, as well as build strength. Jog for one-to-three minute intervals in waist-deep water, then alternate with less cardio-based water exercises – this way you can keep the number of calories you burn high, without jogging for more than a few minutes at a time. Aim to do ten sets in a session.
You can do a number of your “usual” strength-training exercises in the pool – including those that incorporate dumbbells, resistance bands, core balls, and certain other equipment. Although you don't need any more than a swimsuit, cap and goggles to get a great pool workout, using equipment can increase the resistance – and therefore improve the effectiveness of the exercise.
Aim to do 2-3 sets of your favorite strength exercises during each pool training session. These can include planks, leg lifts, squats, and jumps. You should always do pool strength training in navel- to chest-deep water, so that your legs are supporting some of your body weight. If the exercises get too easy for you, increase the weight that you're training with, or up the intensity of the