She empowers Delia to make choices and stand up to her abusive husband and face her fears. This empowerment changes the way the story could have gone had Delia just stayed the meek character Hurston makes us envision at first. Had she not stood up to Sykes and not let herself be consumed by the fear of the snake, she would have most likely been the one who fell victim to the venom. The parts of the story the Champion chose to write about truly help Hurston’s representation of Delia the hero and Sykes and his snake the
She empowers Delia to make choices and stand up to her abusive husband and face her fears. This empowerment changes the way the story could have gone had Delia just stayed the meek character Hurston makes us envision at first. Had she not stood up to Sykes and not let herself be consumed by the fear of the snake, she would have most likely been the one who fell victim to the venom. The parts of the story the Champion chose to write about truly help Hurston’s representation of Delia the hero and Sykes and his snake the