According to the report, “female inmates had much higher rates of mental health problems than male inmates. An estimated 73% of females… compared to 55% of male inmates…” (BJS Report, pg. 4) It was also stated that “the rate of mental health problems also varied by the age of inmates… age 24 or younger had the highest rate of mental health problems and those age 55 or older had the lowest rate” (BJS Report, pg. 4).
According to David Cole, one important factor is that people tend to obey the law, because of the fear of any “disapproval within their communities” (Cole, pg. 173). From what I understood about this factor, was that those who have a closer tie or socialize more within their communities, are less likely to break any type of law that would be disapproved from others or those who live in the same community.
In the article “Who Lives in Solitary Confinement?” the author addressed the issues and the effects that solitary has on prisoners. He states how solitary is used as necessary punishment to control any unacceptable behaviors, but how it can actually do more harm, than any good. Instead of correcting a behavior, it can actually worsen it.