Davis goes on to refer to the Blade Runner, as the alter ego of Los Angeles, which he thinks, could someday become the terminal imagery that would put an end to the “Land of Sunshine.” Davis fears that the opening scene from the movie, Blade Runner, where the National Guard completes retina scans on each human being, will inevitably become reality one day in Los Angeles. Support for this claim is conveyed by the many examples Davis gives of riots, gang violence, serial shooters, possibilities of a race war, and drug peddlers found in Los
Davis goes on to refer to the Blade Runner, as the alter ego of Los Angeles, which he thinks, could someday become the terminal imagery that would put an end to the “Land of Sunshine.” Davis fears that the opening scene from the movie, Blade Runner, where the National Guard completes retina scans on each human being, will inevitably become reality one day in Los Angeles. Support for this claim is conveyed by the many examples Davis gives of riots, gang violence, serial shooters, possibilities of a race war, and drug peddlers found in Los