The Book Cherub: The Recruit by Robert Muchamore revolves around James a middle school boy who lives with his step-sister and lost his mother due to alcohol poisoning. James was supposed to go to get in trouble for injuring a girl that had been making fun of James’ mother the same day that his mother had died but had not because a secret organization; CHERUB had taken him in as a spy. In his first month at CHERUB James had tons of training in order to undergo basic training. He had to learn how to swim which was very hard since he had almost drowned as a kid, he had to learn martial arts and go to school. Basic training was supposed to put the cherub students through intense situations and very hard training in order
The Book Cherub: The Recruit by Robert Muchamore revolves around James a middle school boy who lives with his step-sister and lost his mother due to alcohol poisoning. James was supposed to go to get in trouble for injuring a girl that had been making fun of James’ mother the same day that his mother had died but had not because a secret organization; CHERUB had taken him in as a spy. In his first month at CHERUB James had tons of training in order to undergo basic training. He had to learn how to swim which was very hard since he had almost drowned as a kid, he had to learn martial arts and go to school. Basic training was supposed to put the cherub students through intense situations and very hard training in order