The purpose of this film was to investigate why America has the worst record and what could be done to stop this epidemic. The government is being blamed for a big amount because the child protection systems are failing these children. Foster care is overpopulated which gives a child a higher chance to return home and endure abuse. They are not paying attention to the signs and symptoms and they are following the government’s request to try to keep families together. In the film, a nurse was to visit a home to teach teenage parents how to deal with the stress and challenges of having a child and what they must learn to do and what not to do from birth until about 2 years old. This is because research has shown that abuse is more common with teenage parents and individuals in poverty so they are trying to create ways to prevent it from …show more content…
The field of Occupational Therapy has a huge impact on child abuse. Occupational Therapist plays a major role in mental health which also has a lot to do with child abuse. Children that have endured such abuse usually have difficulties handling stress, sensations, and doing daily routines (van der Kolk, 2005). No matter how many scars a child have they still want to return home because they do not fully understand the danger that they are enduring. Since abuse is all they know it’s hard to make a child understand the wrong in it and an Occupational therapist could help with that. OTs can promote which includes raising awareness, teaching positive coping and problem solving skills, placing the child’s interest into to play and leisure occupations, and teaching adults who serve survivors about emotional regulation. They could prevent child abuse by recognizing the signs and symptoms, providing group based interventions, and educating everyone on healthy discipline. Some Occupational Therapists have training in trauma and sensory based interventions. These individuals are trained to provide opportunities for play and social interaction, teach children mindful strategies, and trauma informed sensorimotor arousal regulation interventions. In the home, Occupational therapists can promote safe family activities, support the