Exposure to substances like alcohol and drugs seem to have been just as prevalent during my parent’s high school years as it has been mine. Starting in freshman year, there was always that one group of kids who was into that kind of stuff. The substance aspect of school was always present but more or less lingered in the background and had to be somewhat sought out in order for it to really have a large impact on you. It didn’t become more prevalent and accessible until her junior year when drinking became more popular and normal. She never got into the drug but by the end …show more content…
As a college student one isn’t monitored and policed 24/7. There are very few safeguards to stop you from making the wrong decisions; drinking is suddenly readily accessible to pretty much anyone interested in it. Megean says this is the point in my life she is worried about. Without parents regulating you, it is all personal decisions. The transition from high school to college, where alcohol is everywhere, can be difficult for people. Many people are unable to balance academic and social life and this can set them on a downward path right from the beginning of their college career. This sudden responsibility is where many people struggle and it’s a point in my life which my mother worries about. Alcohol can easily become too much for a person to handle, especially when first introduced into an environment like