Juvenile Justice System Literature Review

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In most cases, the goal of treatment for drug addiction or abuse is not only to get the person to stop using drugs, but to also return the individual to a productive member of society, stop compulsive drug seeking and use, and to become a functioning member of the family with the likelihood of getting a job. Depending on the circumstances, the goal of drug treatment may also include reducing the criminal behavior of the addict. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, it was displayed that overall drug treatment was as successful as treating chronic diseases like asthma, diabetes and high blood pressure. NIDA research also showed that drug treatment programs can produce the following results: Reduce drug use by 40% to 60%, Reduce …show more content…
Also, further references were found after reviewing the following articles and textbook chapters: DE Prato and Hammer, 2002; Steiner and Redlich, 2002; Lubit and Billick, 2003; O’Shaughnessy, 2003; and Wizner, 2003. Governmental publications, including those of the U.S. Department of Justice, were also reviewed adults. Moving forward, the modern juvenile justice system is different from the adult justice system in three important ways, first is the importance of rehabilitation, secondly, a focus on the best interests of the juvenile, and finally, the degree of judicial latitude. For the start, rehabilitation is the ideal goal of the juvenile justice system. It is manifest in terms of a degree of judicial paternalism that utilizes probation or indeterminate sentencing as adjudications contingent on the juvenile’s progress. Also, the attention to the best interests of the adolescent. Nonetheless, courts and procedure in the juvenile justice system are less structured than in the adult system. In addition, juvenile courts do not use the term conviction, but rather the word adjudication. Also, the cases are sealed, and they have minimal to no relevance in future justice proceedings. During the juvenile adjudication cases, the hearings are closed to the public, records are confidential, and the entire matter proceeds in a civil, not criminal,

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