Many people in this world put it off like it is not an issue, or because they forget there even is an issue with student debt. “For faculty, staff, and administrators, it’s easy to forget just how much debt students have to take on today. The numbers are simply astounding. According to the Web site, which cites the National Postsecondary Student Aid Study of the U.S. Department of Education’s National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), nearly two-thirds of students graduate with some sort of debt” (Brown; 57). One of the main issues for this is the fact that college tuition keeps rising for an extended amount of reason. The main reasons it has increased is very more complicated than the average student may think. “The reason tuition has increased is in large part a significant reduction of federal funding to states for education and direct state allocations, in real dollars, to colleges and universities, and state fund a far smaller percentage of tuition costs” (Williams; 158). It is not the colleges fault; it is just because of the funding of the intuition. There are other reasons on why student loans have to give so much money. It is suggested that the demand for student loans may be influenced by the prices of other commodities (Brugel, Johnson, Leslie; 67). All in all, student loans are becoming a bigger problem than they should …show more content…
In this case and perspective, it was worth it. Some students believe that they are better off working straight out of high school rather than getting students loans and going to any sort of college. “You can’t flip a college degree the way you can flip a stock, or even a home. But what bubble believers are really saying is that young people today are radically overestimating the economic value of going to college, and that many of them would be better off doing something else with their time and money” (Avery, Turner; 165). Getting a higher education is more important than having to pay off student loans. Higher education will get the student the money he/she needs in order to pay off the student loans that they have received. “Higher education is widely viewed as the key to a wide range of pecuniary and non-pecuniary benefits in later life- outcomes such as higher incomes, greater status, or an improved lifestyle” (Lightman, Connell; 132). The students that do not have money, but have a very good and positive outlook have this perspective. They are the students that feels like nothing that cannot hold them back, no matter what comes their