Veterans Returning Home “Sixty-one percent of men and 51% of women in the general population report having experienced at least one traumatic experience that qualifies to be considered for PTSD”(Kilic 409).Soldiers go to war to fight for America’s freedom and protect the citizens of America; however, many of their lives change while at war, and they are seeking treatment. Many soldiers get psychological help and many professionals are trying to find different ways to treat the soldiers’ suffering. Upon returning home, soldiers have a hard time assimilating back into civilian life. In Homer’s epic poem…
When soldiers return home after spending time in the front lines, they find it difficult to adapt to everyday life. In the talk “A War Reporter: The Real Cause of PTSD,” former war correspondent, Sebastien Junger, states that our lonely society makes it difficult to come home from war. Junger analyses why it is hard for war veterans are unable to adapt to life back home. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)…
Project 4: Black Hawk Down There are about one and a half million people serving in the armed forces today (Chalabi). Of that number, many have families back at home. More often than not, the families of military members are uneducated about the going ons in their loved ones lives.…
osttraumatic stress disorder, also known as PTSD or Posttraumatic syndrome, is a disease that affects individuals who have been exposed to different types of trauma, and more specifically, soldiers and veterans who have been exposed to war. According to the Wounded Warrior Project, “as of September 1, 2015, 400,000 military personnel are dealing with posttraumatic stress disorder, and unfortunately, more women will be exposed than men”, ( Many of today’s veterans and current soldiers experience the disorder. “ About 52% of American soldiers from the war in Vietnam, Desert Storm, and the war in Afghanistan”, (National Institutes of Health Plus magazine), combined, suffer from PTSD. Symptoms of PTSD include, flash…
Of the myriad of “invisible wounds” that may become manifest in veterans returning from combat deployment I choose to describe “depression”. Kanel (2014) states that “symptoms such as sleep problems, feelings of guilt, worthlessness, hopelessness, regret, loss of energy and interest in life, and concentration deficits, appetite disorder, psychomotor retardation or agitation, and suicidal thoughts” (p. 179), all may be associated with depression. If I, as a crisis worker, was not knowledgeable of the symptoms of depression, they could appear as a personality defect or maybe laziness, which would cause harm to my client if I were not addressing the issue and instead focusing on other issues. Special issues raised by the families of veterans might be “secondary traumatization.” This is when the family members of the veteran begin to manifest the symptoms that the veteran is experiencing.…
As a result, veterans tend to be isolated from society in ways where they do not want help nor do they want people to know about their condition. To be able to understand how PTSD affects veterans, we can only hope to reach out and offer support when it is needed. Since the global war on terrorism was initiated in 2001, there have been a dramatic increase in PTSD among veterans, as a result there has been a social stigma that is associated…
Campbell. “Combat Veterans’ Symptoms of PTSD and Partners’ Distress: The Role of Partners’ Perceptions of Veterans’ Deployment Experiences.” Journal of Family Psychology. Vol. 25 No. 6 (2011).…
This will help better themselves and benefit their families as well because they will get proper information on how to act upon a certain situation that they later on may encounter. This also benefits families because they will be aware on what specifically is going on with the returning soldier. Upon returning to their communities, soldiers formerly associated with armed forces and groups almost always confront significant community stigma. Much research on the struggles of veterans has focused on exposure to past-war related violent and mental outcomes as stated above, yet no specific work has been made to examine the role that stigma plays in shaping long-term psychosocial adjustment. The role of stigma in the relationship between war-related experiences and psychosocial adjustment, for example depression, anxiety, hostility, and adaptive behaviors.…
During the 20th Century, war became a condition of existence for both soldiers and civilians partly because, this condition, PTSD/Shell Shock was spreading. What was thought to be a physical and mental issue and is now known as a psychological condition. Although society today has come much farther than when in World War One or Two, it was a slow road getting to how society views it now. The social stigma against PTSD makes it arduous to treat and slowed the progression of how it’s viewed. The transitions from viewing PTSD as a disciplinary issue and the harsh of types of treatment that followed suit, as well as the failure to recognize this as a psychological malady are some of the causes of this.…
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder is an alarming problem that is rampant is United States veterans, but with the new treatments being developed and the increasing awareness of the general population, we can all work together to eradicate the stigma behind PTSD and the effects of the disorder as a…
The Effects of War on Veterans in Afghanistan and Iraq More than half of the 2.6 million Americans dispatched to fight the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq struggle with physical or mental health problems and often begin to feel disconnected from civilian life, deriving from deployment. As stated in the article “After the Wars: A legacy of pain and pride”, written by Rajiv Chandrasekaran and published by The Washington Post. The conditions of being deployed and serving for our country can conclude in widespread consequences within soldiers in which if no help is provided, could become permanently detrimental. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), Military Sexual Trauma (MST), and an increase in suicides are some of…
Introduction Veterans living every day with post-traumatic stress disorder often feel on edge, have feelings of panic, or feel emotionally numb and disconnected from family, friends, and loved ones. Post-traumatic stress disorder occurs after experiencing severe trauma or a life-threatening event, and the mind and body in still in a state of shock (Smith, 2015; Robinson, 2015; Segal, 2015). Some other major symptoms of PTSD for veterans include night terrors, extreme emotional and physical reactions to reminders of trauma, panic attacks, shaking, heaving breathing, avoiding certain places and people, and withdrawing from family and friends. Wartime experiences, most particularly in the First World War, prompted physicians to speculate on the…
I was thrilled to be in Hawaii, and it didn 't take long for me to overcome my fear of leaving my family and friends behind. After settling into housing on Schofield Barracks, it didn 't take long for me to get acquainted with the neighborhood wives. Nor, did it take long for them to share their problems they were encountering in their marriages since transferring here. However, I was not prepared to face the reality and rumors I had heard, regarding the high divorce rate for military families after deployment.…
The short stories “Chickamauga” written by Ambrose Bierce and “The Covenant” written by Crystal Arbogast both show the effects that post-traumatic stress syndrome (PTSD) has on someone. The effect war has on someone is very traumatic it can mentally and physically scar a person, but what can be harder is when your a child having to deal with someone who has been through war trying to live with it. PTSD effects family, sleeping patterns, causes small bursts of spaz attacks, and detachment issues. Throughout the stories, the main themes relate to helplessness, loss, and death. These three things share the characteristic that PTSD has on the psyche of a soldiers mind and how they no longer can handle being apart of society and so they seclude…
There is little consensus in the literature on what factors put refugee children at risk for low academic achievement. Although some studies point to possible influences, few are replicated or supported by the majority of research. Risk factors that have been found to be significant in at least one study include exposure to violence (Berthold, 2000; Thompson & Massat, 2005), language barriers (Mace et al., 2014; Stermac et al., 2012), ethnic differences (Rousseau et al., 1996), school integration (Kanu, 2008; Wilkinson, 2002), and family characteristics (Rousseau & Drapeau, 2000; Stermac et al., 2012; Wilkinson, 2002). Although these findings may inform future researchers, lack of support within the current literature in this area makes determining…