Rules Of Good Work Ethics In Google

Improved Essays
The story line and plot
Billy and Nick are both wristwatch salesmen who lost their jobs when the company they were working for had folded and they are then set out into the world. Nick then works in a mattress store for his sisters boyfriend. One night Billy googles ‘jobs for people with no skills’ and stumbles across Googles competitive intern programme, he then signs himself and Nick up for an interview. They visit a local library and proceed with an online interview with googles’ recruiters. The are then chosen to partake in the Google summer programme.
They arrive at Google under false pretences and teams are formed and they are then included into the left over team. The team members do not automatically bond with Billy and Nick. After
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They are given a paddle with a red side and a green side, red is no and green is yes. An example of one question asked is ‘do we take food home from the workplace?’ all the interns say no and Billy and Nick say yes. They continue to give the unethical answers and Mr Chetty firmly explains the right and wrong answers. This is good management as he ensures the interns of the correct manner in which rules are followed. He was firmly disciplining the interns.
In the last scene Mr Chetty is about to announce who will get the jobs to work at Google. Billy, Nick and the team are late however they submit their final documents and Mr Chetty then announces them as the team that will get the job. This is good leadership because the final decision was based on who has googliness and is suitable for the position rather than who has the highest IQ or level of education. It shows the positivity in being creative.
Rules are implemented to create an ethical working
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Functional conflict is conflict dealt with in a healthy and respectful manner by respecting each other's perspectives. The possible outcomes would be resolved misconceptions, increased participation by members that may have not been influenced before which results in a wider range of ideas being considered by other team members.
Dysfunctional conflict is conflict that leads to decline in productivity. It is a result of people's egos, misconceptions and lack of communication. The possible outcomes are blaming and gossip, negative impacts on teamwork and cooperation and high levels of stress and anxiety.
The reasons for conflict are differences in personality, difference in cultures, values and backgrounds, poor communication, change resistance, limited resources and competition and previously unresolved issues.
In one scene the interns are being introduced to one another after being joined together in a team. Lyle the manager introduces himself to the team in third person and the team gets frustrated as they are not used to his different personality. They also get frustrated with Billy and Nick as they have different backgrounds and they differ in age. The other members are arrogant because they are younger and more up to date with technology. The members make remarks about Nick and Billy’s ages and the members egos take over. This is dysfunctional conflict as they were not dealing with differences in backgrounds

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