The poem proves itself so successful because of how it compares the individual to the respective “storms” that individuals face, problems that often result in being greater than ourselves. Every individual encounters some barrier, some degree of struggle.
In the first and second stanzas of the poem, the narrator explores the methods of preparation for the storm that is coming or preparation for the upcoming storm. She reaches to recognize that storms, regardless of what form they find themselves in, arise with a certain degree of unpredictability to them, a removal from the status quo, and often times require a following of painful patience. Throughout the beginning of the poem, time seems to significantly slow down, allowing detailed observations about the narrator's surroundings to become crucial details. Through the use of verbs/words beginning with the letter w, embodies alliteration that imitates the sound of the wind. A growing anticipation for the onset of the storm is accompanied by these winds, an unforgiving and uninhibited force. The wind is briefly personified describing it as “walking overhead” (3), allowing it to act as humans often do, satisfying the trait of unpredictability that storms carry, the winds can be extremely calculated and …show more content…
While as humans may have created instruments and tools to confirm our most diverse predictions, there are no resources or methods to advert the results that they forecast, for better or for worse. This realization is humbling, a signal as humbling to truly how humans are so small on such a large planet as a member of such a larger universe. She begins to elaborate on the reality that there is a parallelism between the “weather” (12-13) that arises abroad and within the heart. The usage of the weather instead of another term such as conflict or even something relatively closer such as storms would prove to be inappropriate to this context. Weather can be regarded in many forms. From being a thunderstorm and a downpour of rain, to a purely sunny, bluebird day, weather appears in variable forms and in different interpretations within each personality. In the difficulties that appear in our own internal struggles, numerous variables influence the weather that is experienced that is constantly dynamic and unpredictable, as elaborated in the last stanza. Secondly, the narrator elaborates on the pure reality, one that is often not happily inherited, but that our humanly capabilities cannot stop time, or affect the outcome of our predictions. This is literally defined in the lines stating: