My life is not a set niche why should my blog be any different?
Stop trying to niche me, I am Multifaceted. Target's sales come from many different kinds of products. Kroger sells more than groceries. Even libraries provide the public with more than just books. Do you know why they are successful? Because they did not limit themselves and realized that to be successful you have to expand and grow beyond your initial vision. You have to grow, expand and change things to stay up-to-date on what interests people.
1, 2, 3, Pfft... :P
I cannot begin to count how many times I have read a Blog Help post that said, I "HAD" to pick a blog niche or I would confuse my audience.
*cough, bullshit, cough!*
Three year olds …show more content…
My life can change weekly and does yearly.
My interests today may not interest me next week. Life is constantly changing and reshaping us. Here is a perfect example, I was told I should write a blog series and that doing so would bring me traffic, bring back visitors, and would hold me accountable to produce posts. I allowed myself to feel pressured into the series, even though I genuinely did not want to write so many posts on one subject, one after another. At the time of this post I have been unsuccessful with completing the series. Simply because someone has a lot of knowledge about something does not mean they want to write about it. Again and again.
What I wanted to do was write a post or two and be done with it. As a whole I hated the process and that series is still sitting there mocking me with its half written posts. Like an unmailed anniversary card sitting in a box, at the top of my closet, with all it's brother and sister cards and letters, I forgot to mail in time. I also did not care for the pressure I was under to finish the series - it came with a seasonal deadline. This added up to losing interest in the project and shelving it (exactly like those flippin' …show more content…
Their niche is making money on telling you how to blog. This topic is so hot that blogs about food, fashion, homeschooling and so on have a section on, you guessed it. Blogging. It draws in the views and that draws in the money. Do you understand the significance of