She a professor at M.I.T a very prestigious university. And she’s been studying the psychology of an online connection for the past 30 years. She constantly cites studies done by the Pew Research Group. As well as a study done by a psychologist named Yalda T Uhls at an outdoor camp. And another study done by a group of psychologist at the university of Michigan. Unfortunately, she cites a lot of underage kids to give their personal experience. Because they are too young to be properly informed on the topic that makes her sources weak. And because her main examples used these kids I feel like her overall argument is weakly supported. Turkle brings up the counter argument but fails to properly address it. For her counter argument she brings up Yalda T. Uhls the lead psychologist who studied empathy in children after five days without an electronic device. In this study Uhls found that “After five days without phones or tablets, these campers were able to read facial emotions and correctly identify the emotions of actors in videotaped scenes significantly better than a control group” (4). We can see that phones do reduce our ability to have empathy. But we can also say we get better at recognizing feelings if we put the phone down. She also claims to have personally seen this behavior in her summer camp where she was researching. But …show more content…
I like to be old school and have face to face conversations. And like Turkle I believe in these face to face conversations its where we are able to see the small emotions that you can’t see when texting or emailing someone. When communicating though electronic email we use emoji to convey emotions, but how can we recognize these emotions in the real world? You can text your body language. Body language gives a lot of hints as to what the person feels when you are talking to them. But I also agree with Uhls the human being is capable of adapting. While we might lose our ability to feel empathy while we have our phones out. But we can just as easily regain it back when we put our phones