Genocide is a deliberate killing of a certain race of people by another group who deems themselves the ruling race. Genocide …show more content…
Societies that lack mixed categories, much like Rwanda, can be considered as bipolar. People in these countries get put into groups according to their ethnicity, race, religion, and/or nationality. They develop unrealistic beliefs or ideas that approve ethnic and racial divisions and actively promote this. Keeping in watch of this, along with a promoted single language, is vital in genocide prevention. Both symbolization and classification are normal and do not necessarily result in genocide, unless it leads to dehumanization. Symbols may be forced upon members in groups to signify who they are. If widely supported, denial of the use of symbols can be powerful and could even be banned. Thirdly, dehumanization is when one group denies the humanity of the other group and those who are denied of this are equated with animals, vermin, insects, or diseases. While this step is occurring, hate propaganda, printed and/or aired on the radio, is used to identify the victims. However, sometimes the organization of genocide is informal or decentralized, much like terrorist groups. Genocide does not become a plan made up overnight; they are planned. In polarization, extremists segregate the groups. Extremist terrorism targets those who are moderate, intimidating and silencing the center. At this stage, prevention may mean security and protection for the moderate leaders or even assistance to human rights groups. Extermination quickly becomes a mass killing, legally called “genocide” after it begins. To the killers, this mass killing is just considered “extermination” because they do not believe their victims are more than animals. Militias are not the only ones working in these mass killings. In fact, armed forces often work along with them. Lastly, denial is the eighth stage that always follows a genocide. It is also one of the main indicators that a genocidal