These are some of the most frequently used herbs that have correlating research as to their effectiveness:
St. John's Wort ( Hypericum perforatum) has been used as an herbal medicinal for more than 2,000 years. It contains a high concentration of chemicals known as flavonoids, which enhance immune system function, and also, hypericin, which has antiviral and antidepressive properties. Since its introduction into the United States, it has been used to treat millions of people for depression. In different parts of Europe, sales of St. John's Wort surpass top selling antidepressant drugs. It is one of the …show more content…
Among them, has been its use for anxiety and nervousness, because of its calming, relaxing effect. The active ingredient is thought to be isovitexin, found in the aerial parts of the plant. There is some uncertainty, however, as to how it works. There has not been as much research done on Passionflower as there has been on St. John's Wort and Valerian. Small studies have been done documenting its effectiveness in treating anxiety. Clinical trials confirm its effectiveness as a sleep aid. It is found in many over-the-counter sedative preparations in the United Kingdom. In Europe, it is often combined with other herbs such as valerian. Germany's Commission E considers it a mild sedative. Herbalists recommend it for times when an overactive mind prevents sleep. Passionflower is generally considered safe when taken in the proper dosage. Side effects are mild, if any. Use with caution with other