St Ignatius Of Loyola Research Paper

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When Saint Ignatius of Loyola was born on October 23, 1491 in Azpeitia, northeastern Spain, no one knew that he would become one of the most influential individual during the Catholic Reformation and the creator of the Society of Jesuits. Saint Ignatius brought his military experience to his understanding of his religion, moral life, and his service to God. He was the youngest of 13 children. Growing up Ignatius, a son of a noble grew up well known throughout the kingdom. ( Ignatius’s family lived in Castle Loyola during the reign of King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella. Ignatius was welcomed to serve as a page instead of a relative, Juan Velázquez de Cuéllar, the treasurer of the Kingdom of Castile. He worked for the king by the …show more content…
There were not enough Spanish soldiers to fight off the French. The Spanish was forced to surrender, except Indigo. He believed that fighting was an honor not for the victory. While fighting alone, a cannonball shattered Indigo’s leg. The French thought highly of Indigo’s bravery, they carried him back home to his Castle of Loyola. During his rehabilitation Ignatius’s leg was not set properly, this resulted in Ignatius almost dying and forever walking with a limp because one leg was shorter than the other. While his leg was healing Ignatius read books to past the time, he requested to read romance novels but there wasn’t any around, he settled for books about the life of Christ and the lives of saints. “The version of the lives of the saints he was reading contained prologues to the various lives by a Cistercian monk who conceived the service of God as a holy chivalry,” ( At this moment in time Ignatius found his calling. Ignatius found when he gave himself up to God, he felt satisfied and complete. He left the castle at once to seek the holy land. In the holy land he traveled to the Benedictine shrine of Our lady of Montserrat, here he spent the night in prayer and confessed his sins. He gave up his sword and dagger to a statue of the Virgin Mary, vowing his life to abstemiousness and chastity. On foot he proceeded to the city of Manresa, Ignatius lived a humble life. …show more content…
The first one was an autobiography of this life; recalling his unfortunate accounts of his life. This second book was called “Personal Experiences.” This book was about Ignatius’s first account on the foundation religious order, the Society of Jesuits. The third book called “Spiritual Exercises,” is a set of prayers, Christian meditations, and mental exercises. It’s a very popular book and can be used for many religious purposes. Many non-religious people can find importance in the book besides religious people, ( Ignatius primary vocation in the beginning was to be a Spanish soldier. In his eyes being a soldier was an honor and should be cherished. As his life progressed and Ignatius’s faith grew his vocation rotated into something greater. As his life progressed he was a single man that later became a priest to devote his life to helping

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