Southern Comfort: Documentary Analysis

Superior Essays
Southern Comfort is a documentary about Robert Eads, a transgender man. The film documents the final year of Robert’s life, as he was diagnosed with ovarian cancer. Robert was turned down for treatment by a dozen doctors out of fear that treating such a patient would hurt their reputations or embarrass their patients. By the time Robert received treatment, the cancer was too advanced to save his life and he passed away in 1999, surrounded by his chosen family.

Case History
Robert Eads, was born Barbara Eads on December 18, 1945 in Toccoa, Georgia. Robert grew up as a woman, having been designated as a female anatomically by hospital staff and by his parents. Growing up, Robert knew he was assigned the wrong sex but he conformed
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Dignity Therapy was developed specifically for patients with advanced and terminal cancer; it is brief, malleable and can be conducted in the home or in a medical setting (Houmann, Chochinov, Kristjanson, Petersen & Groenvold, 2014). The individual is interviewed and has the opportunity to review their life and express important messages and reflections to their loved ones. The interview is transcribed, edited, and a generativity document is provided to the patient for their use and distribution, if so desired (Chochinov et al., 2005). Dignity therapy allows the individual to recount thoughts, ideas and events that are particularly relevant and meaningful for the individual to recount and pass along to others (Houmann, Chochinov, Kristjanson, Petersen & Groenvold, 2014). This will allow Robert an opportunity to share the moments that shaped his life and share his life story. This is important for Robert, as he prides himself a mentor to younger transgender individuals and it will also provide him a document to pass on to his

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