Institutional Affiliation
Social Work Burnout and Its Effects on the Social Worker
Social work burnout is has effects on the productivity of the worker; however, it is important to understand if and how the burnout affects a social worker. In the pursuit to understand the reality, there must be logical and empirical support (Babbie 2010, pg, 4). Like in epistemology, a science of knowing, which may rely on either agreement reality without personal experience of the situation or methodology which invokes set procedures for scientific inquiry, social research on social work burnout and its effects on the social worker may employ appropriate methodology, use …show more content…
The theory in this case is the explanation of the observations relating to social work burnout and its effects on the social worker, it is neither a philosophy nor a belief; it deals with what is. It is important to note that for a good introduction to be written, an understanding of the dialectics of social research is necessary. Babbie (2010, pg 21), notes some examples of dialectics in social research as idiographic, nomothetic, inductive, and deductive idiographic approach explains all the unique, and separate causes of a given situation. For instance, in the proposal on social work burnout and its effects on the social worker, all causes of social work burnout are explained and how each cause affects the social worker. Importantly, the explanation will not only dwell work bound causes, but also of family or causes outside the work environment. Nomothetic dialectic identifies a few general causes that affect the situation; the limitation with the approach is that it cannot give a full understanding of situation because some causes are unique and particular (Babbie, 2010, pg …show more content…
An appropriate approach to the choice of the literature depends on the dialectic of social research chosen. The literature review should emphasize the correlation between the two variables in the hypothesis. How for example social work burnout has affected productivity if certain regions, the effects may be generalized as in nomothetic dialectic or detailed as in idiographic dialectic (Babbie, 2010, pg, 99). The literature should be able to specify what is meant in relevant terms through conceptualization. Conceptualization gives indicators of absence or presence of the concept under study; through it discovery of disagreements of inconsistencies arise and creation of dimensions begins (Babbie, 2010, pg,