I want to research how the income or certain neighbors are related to teenage incarceration and deaths within society. I feel this subject needs to be touched upon because kids growing up into young adults from low income homes. The teenagers don't have money ,items and things they want. So either they resort to getting a job that barely pays since this novel takes place in the 1960’s in oklahoma or resort to crime. Which we see the most of the characters getting themselves into. Another idea for research is child abuse since johnny was abused as child i want to research can child abuse lead to ptsd(post traumatic stress disorder. In the book”Johnny was scared of his own shadow”(page 10 ). I'm so excited about these proposals because these topics are not gentle and are hard to bear at the times especially hearing stories of what kids have to go through and looking at statistics of teenage death and incineration of those with low income homes. As far as questions go i wonder what other information i can uncover besides the ones i already seen on google. As far as the project moving forward my only concerns are that the information i receive is credible and solid. Information not just stating the obvious of what i'm already proposing, but something i can dig deeper and make connections with in evanston and maybe chicago. To perhaps related court cases to this research and our maybe talk to someone who had dealt
I want to research how the income or certain neighbors are related to teenage incarceration and deaths within society. I feel this subject needs to be touched upon because kids growing up into young adults from low income homes. The teenagers don't have money ,items and things they want. So either they resort to getting a job that barely pays since this novel takes place in the 1960’s in oklahoma or resort to crime. Which we see the most of the characters getting themselves into. Another idea for research is child abuse since johnny was abused as child i want to research can child abuse lead to ptsd(post traumatic stress disorder. In the book”Johnny was scared of his own shadow”(page 10 ). I'm so excited about these proposals because these topics are not gentle and are hard to bear at the times especially hearing stories of what kids have to go through and looking at statistics of teenage death and incineration of those with low income homes. As far as questions go i wonder what other information i can uncover besides the ones i already seen on google. As far as the project moving forward my only concerns are that the information i receive is credible and solid. Information not just stating the obvious of what i'm already proposing, but something i can dig deeper and make connections with in evanston and maybe chicago. To perhaps related court cases to this research and our maybe talk to someone who had dealt