Social Organizations Paper

Improved Essays
Introduction There are a number a theories and perspectives associated with the definition of organizational structure and social organizations. Robert Prodanciuc's (2012) paper titled Social Organizations describes the many perspectives, which define the various characteristics of organizational typology in the author's practical look at these many theories (p. 205). The one commonality among the various perspectives is people and how they interact to reach a common goal. The significance is how leaders can manage this interaction in order to extract the highest level of performance and productivity from an organization and using these various theories and perspectives to draw leadership solutions.
Theories of Social Organization Prodanciuic's (2012) study identifies Ion Tuosescu's definition of "institutional-organizational" theory as activities among labor division, cooperation within an organization, group relations, and empowerment within organizational groups, just to name a few (p. 206). According to Prodanciuic (2012), Tuosescu uses the study of socialization within an organizational structure to determine method for measuring efficiency within an institution or organization. Prodanciuic (2012) describes Cornel Popa's perspective of an organization's "formal structure" and "norm system" which occurs between the various entities of the organization (p. 206). Prodanciuic (2012) explains Henri Foyal's organization and administration perspective as a vertical hierarchy, which manages an organization through proactive organizing, leadership and coordination. Prodanciuic (2012) views Norman Goodman's "group concepts" as various groups function, behave, and interact with each other (p. 207). These are just a few of the social, organizational, and behavioral perspectives identified in Prodanciuic's study of social organizations. The best interpretation from this study is there is a vast quantity of perspective, which can be derived from viewing organizations, their structure, their social dynamics, and many other characteristics to determine various approaches to positively managing social organizations and organizational structure. Social interaction within a social organization creates a social system, which determines the overall functionality of an organization (Farooq, (2014). Through these studies, leaders can utilize the information and applying it to real life environments. Leadership Application The name that comes to mind in terms of admiring leadership is Carly Fiorina, the former Hewelett-Parkard (HP) CEO who led the HP-Compaq merger (Palmer, Dunford, & Akin, 2009). The ability to manage organizational change into a successful outcome, a leader must understand the organizational structure. Fiorina needed to understand the
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Therefore, leaders need to use their status and role to hone the various components, so as to create the well-oiled machine or intended end state. While some components (or individuals) within a social organization may be a perfect fit, others might require guidance or nurturing in order to fit well with its other components. Sometimes it requires individual attention and sometimes it can be managed by helping individuals self-identify with the organization and become a stakeholder (Delmas & Pekovic, 2013). Furthermore, determining how people work and connect to establish a positive "social dimension" is also a crucial part of leading and establishing organizational effectiveness (Bradley & McDonald, 2011, p. 1). It is important to engage with the team and develop a positive relationship. Establish a social environment within the organization so people feel like a part of the organization. Respect individuals and empower them by increasing their span of control (Schoology, 2017). Finally, recognize success and reward accordingly. All of these methods can be accomplished through good communications skills, knowing yourself and knowing your

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