However, are these the full picture of the influences that brought by social media, or are there any other hidden impacts that can be noticed? Social media can not only bring effects to Hong Kong teenagers’ physical health, but also in mental aspect, including lack of communication skills and affect their moral value.
To begin with, social media can decrease Hong Kong teenagers’ communication skills. Obviously, with the prevalence of social media, more and more teenagers are chatting with friends online rather than in reality, such as WhatsApp, Line and Facebook Messenger. It can be said that this technology decreased the barriers between people, as it allows people to communicate whenever and wherever. Yet, Hong Kong youngsters may be frightened to talk with people, which requires them to have eye- contact and immediate responses. A phenomenon can be seen that some may be very talkative and sociable when chatting with people in social media, but can be totally silence and lack of confidence when talking with people in the reality. I know a friend that is very active online, posting lots of appealing photos and always reply the comments by others. However, he used to be a very quite boy in the reality which rarely talk with people face to face. The …show more content…
Teens are exposed to various kind of information through the internet, if they have not chosen wisely to obtain what kind of resources, their personal values may be affected. For example, teenagers are easily exposed to violence, as there are many video games that involve fighting, and some videos also have the message that fighting and violence can not only solve problems, but also is a sign of ‘hero’. Thus, the intention and motivation of violence of Hong Kong teenagers are boosted, as they are also waned to get the things that the characters obtained and earned in the virtual world. According to Jane D Brown (2014), “Use of physiological measures suggests that exposure to violent games results in desensitization to violence over time. For example, found that those who played a violent video game for 20 minutes exhibited less arousal, as indicated by their heart rate and skin conductance, when they were subsequently shown footage of real violence. In another study, experienced violent video game players exhibited less brain activity in response to photographs depicting violence”