We imitate our parents even thought we don’t like to think we do. One could place a little thought to the idea of how to program the programmers of the children.
Economic support of members of the family for overall stability is an important task. Parents are to financially support the children of the family to the point of self-sufficiency, in theory. The old are to be taken care of by the young of the family. The family is a co-operative unit for the general purpose of continued existence.
Sexual regulation of the family members is another primary social functions of a family. This is an essential function of family, and has been performed since the inception of the human civilization. It is a well-known fact that the sex urge is the most important and powerful instinct and natural urge of human being. What are three current issues or trends that are affecting American families? How have they affected my family? Divorce plays a major role in affecting the American family. People get divorced for a multitude of reasons. My family has been affected deeply by divorce. The children are hurt the most of all. As a parent I did what I was trained to do by my parents. I had no idea what I was doing as a father. The ignorance I spread to them is mind numbing. I have and still am working everyday to correct the shortcomings I instilled in my children. Unemployment is a terrifying trend in America. Entire generations are displaced, sold on the idea of easy money and overpaying jobs. Only to find out it was all a lie. A major segment of the population is under skilled if not unskilled at all. Very sad, being they still think they need everything.