Kick a ball, power a lamp, light up the world. Meet Soccket, a soccer ball and rolling power plant in one. Much more than a normal soccer ball, the SOCCKET is a portable generator that provides fun and power to those who play with it.
The Original System ( A Soccer Ball)
Input, Output and the Process
Input- Energy used to play with it.
Output- Emotions and the ending conclusion of the game
Process- The soccer ball is made in a sphere form and stitched with pvc (Poly Vinyl Carbonate) and/or leather for a great amount of exercise and resulting in a fun team sport. The ball rolls and usually stays on the ground.
The Original System (A Soccer Ball)
The impact of the soccer ball
Impact on individuals - Soccer, The most popular …show more content…
Impact on the environment- The soccer ball has many steps of manufacturing : Getting and preparing the materials, putting it together and getting it to you. Used the ball and getting rid of it? That's when you have to pay attention to our environment and how you will remove it.
The Automation
When + Who + Where - In 2008, junior year undergraduate Harvard University social science students Jessica O. Matthews and Julia Silverman created the SOCCKET ball for an engineering class called “Idea Translation Lab.”
Why - The soccket was created to help those in need of electricity and give fun and inspiration to kids while they play with it.
What - The Soccket Ball
How - A mechanism inside captures the kinetic momentum generated during play, and stores this energy inside the soccket for later use as an off-grid power source.
The Automated System
Input and Output
Input- the energy used to play with the ball Output- With 30 minutes of play it can provide up to 3 hours of lamp light. Inside, it has a six-watt power output that can then power small appliances and devices like lamps, cell phones and …show more content…
The Automated System
Impact on the Economy & Environment
Altogether the soccket has helped and improved many of the lives of over 1.3 billion people who do not have access to electricity. The soccket has become a environmentally beneficial invention as it helps to keep a globally sustainable earth for our future generations
The Automated System
Impact on society
The society has acknowledged this invention created by Uncharted Play, Inc. It takes a hobby and turns it into something even more. Many parts of the world do not have electric energy to spare so the soccket helps out with all different types of people. Technological trends always start small, but can always grow from there. Things can only grow from here. We are improving everyday and sooner or later all parts of the world will have