Thesis Statement:
Snapchat is a distraction that prohibits productivity and hinders personal time management. We all heard of the social platform known as Snapchat, who has a millions of users worldwide, but college students spend more time on snapchat than they actually study. When classes start, we are not used to the rhythm of school, and it takes a while to adjust. Maybe on the second or third of school, we get a homework load that looks overwhelming. Snapchat is a distraction that prohibits productivity and hinders personal time management. I personally have experience this, and instead of studying I go on snapchat to check out my friend’s stories. I say to myself, “I’m going to use snapchat for a couple of minutes.” I actually spend around thirty to forty minutes more than what I originally intended to use. Let’s be real for once, and I have personally been addicted to snapchat. When snapchat first came out, I wasn’t really interesting in downloading the app. All my friends were downloading the app, so I gave in to their pressure and downloaded the app. At first, like any new thing, I had to try the features, to have my own snapchat experience. I didn’t realize how much time I was spending on snapchat, until one of my closest friends told me that …show more content…
I can be a fatal distraction. You may have heard of the nineteen-year-old student, who died after taking a selfie while driving. She chooses to take her eyes from the road and upload a selfie. We all know this story because it was the last selfie she ever took. It is not wise to drive and snap, and for the nineteen-year-old, her productivity years came to abrupt. Many young adults have done stupid things to be famous. A lot of them have climb towers, skyscrapers, and suspended bridges to get the ultimate selfie. Why risk your life for a selfie that deletes in twenty four hours? In my personal opinion, I value my life over a viral