The society at this time was divided by classes and not races and there were many interracial marriages as well. There were free black men and women at this time until the laws changed. Eventually, they passed laws to make all blacks slaves and the interracial couples left for the mountains from Virginia, so they would not become a part of the slave movement. The laws that were passed also took away the civil rights of free blacks.
They could no longer possess any arms, marry whites, vote, testify in court, own property; meet with other blacks totaling more than three in a public setting. The mark of slavery was introduced in full motion starting in the 1640s. This also implemented the segregation of blacks and whites while targeting only the Africans to be enslaved as they continued to transition from their homeland to the West Indies (Abagond, 2014). It has also been stated that Africans and blacks served as servants in the early 1600s and later became slaves in Virginia. Some historians assumed that all Negroes arrived to Virginia as a slave but through more research this was not how enslavement transpired for the blacks. It was a transitional period from Indentured servants to slaves for some of the Negroes. There is so much speculation as well as to when enslavement actually began, how the whites and Africans truly interacted, and when slavery was officially implemented (Holt & Brown, 2011). We do know and confirmed that enslavement existed for quite some time and the government had to pass laws to free the Africans and African Americans from slavery. In spite of them being free there was still segregation between the whites and blacks in society. The list includes public schools, restaurants, parks, incarceration, theaters, hospitals, and institutions were all areas of segregation. This led to the African Americans being gradually transitioned to a second class citizenship. How can you be free from enslavement but still do not possess any rights in society? There was once a slave named James Crow, who was crippled and Thomas D. Rice mad fun of him by song and dance. This later led to the laws of racial segregation which became famous under the name of the “Jim Crow” law. This law was basically implemented in the South because the whites wanted to ensure that the blacks were kept in their place no matter if they were legally free from enslavement. Jim Crow stripped the rights from blacks to whereas they could not participate with interracial marriages. This was merely a racial segregation and discrimination under the Jim Crow legislation in the south which took alternate methods to shut down African Americans. The other methods included bribery, murder by lynching, falsifying black votes, literacy tests, denial of credit to the African Americans, and the denial of employment. The blacks were free from slavery physically but not mentally under …show more content…
The African Americans could go to court to regain the rights to their former slave without any issues and then all of these rights were stripped from them. Did racism cause slavery or did slavery cause racism?
The mere fact that the whites sold the African Americans, chained the black men up on the ships from their homeland as they transported them to the mainland, allowed the women and children to walk freely on the ships displays preexisting slavery in my opinion. African Americans were forced to come to the mainland to be auctioned as an object and not a human being. The volume of blacks grew and subsequently the plantation owners started replacing the white servants and slaves with the