It being, to watch or read and enjoy horror films and literature. I have been a part of the horror in film and literature discourse community for some time now. Although, I was unaware of my belonging to the community until we further dissected in class what could be considered a discourse community. For as long as I can remember, I have always been fascinated by horror, whether it be in films, literature like the Goosebumps series by R.L. Stine which I grew up on, or events such as Universal Studio’s Halloween Horror Nights which I will be attending later this year. According to a 2004 paper in the Journal of Media Psychology by Dr. Glenn Walters, the three primary factors that make horror films alluring are tension, relevance, and unrealism. I, myself, feel I generally like horror because of the really cool looking monsters and badass serial killers. However, the first factor mentioned by Dr. Walters: tension, may also play a role in my fondness for horror. Suspense, mystery, terror, shock, and gore are found within most horror themed works and all help generate tension for the audience. This tension usually keeps us intrigued and at the edge of our
It being, to watch or read and enjoy horror films and literature. I have been a part of the horror in film and literature discourse community for some time now. Although, I was unaware of my belonging to the community until we further dissected in class what could be considered a discourse community. For as long as I can remember, I have always been fascinated by horror, whether it be in films, literature like the Goosebumps series by R.L. Stine which I grew up on, or events such as Universal Studio’s Halloween Horror Nights which I will be attending later this year. According to a 2004 paper in the Journal of Media Psychology by Dr. Glenn Walters, the three primary factors that make horror films alluring are tension, relevance, and unrealism. I, myself, feel I generally like horror because of the really cool looking monsters and badass serial killers. However, the first factor mentioned by Dr. Walters: tension, may also play a role in my fondness for horror. Suspense, mystery, terror, shock, and gore are found within most horror themed works and all help generate tension for the audience. This tension usually keeps us intrigued and at the edge of our