Stella can gain the attention by switching the words of Sister. Charles May said, “Ostensibly, Sister’s decision is a result of all of her family turning against her after the return of Stella-Rondo” (May 1). For example,Sister knew soon as she came back home something was suspiciously going on with Stella Rondo. Sister, said, “ ‘Soon as she got married and moved away from home the first thing she did was separate’ ” (Welty 1). Stella Rondo had just come home with someone, but it was not her husband. Unfortunately it was a child by the name of Shirley T. Their mother said, “Here you had this marvelous blonde child and never as much as wrote your mother a word about it” (Welty1). Stella Rondo just brushed the comment mama made off. She told mama that “Shirley T is adopted, I can prove it.” As a result, Mother left the situation alone. Stella Rondo controls and manipulates this situation. Undoubtedly, even if Stella Rondo could prove that Shirley T was adopted; Stella Rondo would not show any evidence. Sister only tries to prove the facts to mother, however, Sister is not conniving, yet she is …show more content…
Sister thought since her and Stella Rhondo was 12 months apart that she was spoiled. Whitaker said, “Sister perceives herself as an unappreciated provider and her younger sister as "controlling the diet of an entire family” ( Why I live 1). Sister said, “ ‘Papa daddy gave her this gorgeous add-a-Pearl necklace when she was eight years old and she threw it away playing baseball when she was nine, with only two pearls’ ” (Welty 1). Whereas, Sister thought if she was given those gifts it would be much better taken care of. Sister did not get those luxuries. Since they all stayed together sister and the rest of the family shared. For example, Sister and Mother planted some ferns in the yard, but Sister takes them to the P.O. Sister said, “very well, I say but I take the fern. Even you, Mama, can’t stand there and deny that Im the one who watered the fern” (Welty 8). Sister did not win any arguments even when she was right. Stella Rondo turns everyone against Sister. Sister insists on leaving and moving the P.O. As a result, Stella Rondo mischievous ways shows that she is shown