If one were to wander throughout the Great Plains and listen to all the words being spoken, they would notice many are not the same. This is very important to analyze because the language of a nation determines many other aspects of their culture and their thoughts (Dvek, 116). For example, many of the tribes would tell stories of the Earth, but the language barrier created a major problem with the passing of stories orally. It was also difficult to teach the younger generations the language and many of them became multilingual (Melmer, 1). Each tribe that inhabited the Great Plains acquired their own language. Nonetheless, they all shared a common tongue, sign language (Reader’s Digest, 173). It is crucial that they all learn sign language so they can better understand each other. Sign language played a big role in assisting the communication between the Sioux and other tribes during the arrival of the whites. This helps them stay on the same page during various battles. Another reason this common tongue was important to the Sioux Tribe is it aided them during their constant movement throughout the Plains. Since the Sioux Tribe was always moving locations, they would run into other tribes repeatedly. The sign language they used helped to eliminate miscommunications throughout the Plains …show more content…
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Melmer, David. “Language, Culture Key to Education, Indian Educators’ Group Says.” Indian Country Today, 11/06/2000, Rapid City, SD. Newspaper Source Plus. http://www.indiancountry.com.
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Reader’s Digest. “The Great Plains Nomadic Horseman.” America’s Fascinating Indian Heritage, Reader’s Digest Association, 1978, pp.