Similarities Between Othello And Wuthering Heights

Decent Essays
CL: Othello
Just like Wuthering Heights, Othello has the theme jealousy and revenge. When Othello experienced jealousy with Iago, he became untamed and he spoke incomprehensibly. Heathcliff’s love for Catherine, and because it is his nature to be violent, made him a savage. Heathcliff felt this when Edgar was more accepted as Catherine’s husband than him. He became more violent then.
Othello also has its own share of women too. Upright and devoted Desdemona and the prostitute Bianca are the two mentioned women in Othello. However, in Wuthering Heights, both Catherines portray ruggedness and Isabella was way too feminine, which in fact was hated by Linton Heathcliff. In comparison, the author of the Wuthering Heights prefers rough women and

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