In Rousseau’s document The Social Contract, he refers to an original “social contract” that terminates the “state of nature” and establishes the “civil state”. For example, in entering the social contract, the individual surrenders his rights to society as a whole, which governs in accordance with the general will: “Each of us puts his person and all his power in common under the supreme direction of the general will…” (Pg. 72). Therefore, in Rousseau's explanation of freedom, there is a division between two types of freedom. They are personal freedom and social freedom. Personal freedom comes from humans' basic instincts and natural selfishness. An individual acts only if he benefits. Rousseau also called this freedom a “state of nature”. The second freedom, social freedom, is achieved when an individual obeys the desires of the “General Will”. According to Rousseau, all people are born free, but the natural freedom is not achieved until these people enter into a social contract. It is at this next point where Locke and Rousseau
In Rousseau’s document The Social Contract, he refers to an original “social contract” that terminates the “state of nature” and establishes the “civil state”. For example, in entering the social contract, the individual surrenders his rights to society as a whole, which governs in accordance with the general will: “Each of us puts his person and all his power in common under the supreme direction of the general will…” (Pg. 72). Therefore, in Rousseau's explanation of freedom, there is a division between two types of freedom. They are personal freedom and social freedom. Personal freedom comes from humans' basic instincts and natural selfishness. An individual acts only if he benefits. Rousseau also called this freedom a “state of nature”. The second freedom, social freedom, is achieved when an individual obeys the desires of the “General Will”. According to Rousseau, all people are born free, but the natural freedom is not achieved until these people enter into a social contract. It is at this next point where Locke and Rousseau