Proven miraculous to the metabolism, Garcinia Cambogia sounds seemingly too good to be true, what with it being able to regulate appetite and fat formation in the taker’s body. Of course, as with other weight loss-aiding chemicals, Garcinia Cambogia’s interaction with the body is not singularly with weight loss. Other components in the fruit may affect other bodily systems and the equilibrium of bodily chemicals. This is becomes an avenue for side effects, both negative and positive.
There has been a wide discussion of the side effects of Garcinia Cambogia ever since it’s grand entrance into the fitness scene. Studies and researches show that, overall, the fruit itself does not have any negative side effects if taken as such.
However, once extracted and processed into pills, manufacturers have the liberty to add other ingredients to enhance its weight-loss performance. This is due to the fact that Garcinia Cambogia pills are classified as supplements and are, therefore, exempt from the safety regulation and review of the Food and Drug Administration. The FDA only steps forward to investigate if or when the use of Garcinia Cambogia becomes linked to multiple hospitalizations. The additives, then, can be pegged for any negative reactions the consumer may experience. That, or the inappropriate dosage of Garcinia Cambogia, which ranges from a maximum of 1500mg to 3000mg daily (the pills typically come in 300mg to 500 mg, which ensures that one stays well within the limit if the pill is taken three times a day, whether that’s pure Garcinia Cambogia or with additives). Additives It’s a good marketing ploy. …show more content…
Realistically, anyone who wants to pay for results will go for the product that has the most bonuses. But it pays to know what the “bonuses” are.
Caffeine is the common main additive– some have content that is higher than the everyday cup of coffee. This leads increased heart rate, which is good for those looking to boost their metabolism. It can cause the taker to urinate more often, as well, which is ideal for the urinary system as long as the output is matched with a healthy intake of water.
However, as we all know, caffeine can boost energy or cause restlessness. If a Garcinia pill with caffeine additive is taken in the evening, it may cause the taker to have difficulty sleeping and can inevitably lead to a headache the next day, owing to lack of sleep.
Other additives may range from fillers to binders to coating, like Microcrystalline Cellulose, Maltodextrin, etc. Most of these additives are cheap and used to manufacture industrial items. It’s best to go for those with natural additives like chromium, potassium and calcium to avoid any unwanted side effects. Dosage Especially for first-time users, the intake of the weight-loss supplement may require some tweaking, lifestyle-wise. Garcinia will hold its end of the bargain as long as the consumer does, too, by increasing intake of water or fluids, starting a simple exercise routine, and choosing healthier food. Here are a couple of other guidelines for Garcinia Cambogia users: 1. Follow the recommended dosage on the bottle or package (or as advised by a personal physician). Expect that the information is backed up by product-specific laboratory studies. The manufacturers know their product, so it would be wise to follow their instructions on how to take it.