Lying… Is it okay to lie and if so, when should I lie? Many people think that it is sometimes okay to lie in certain situations such as protecting someone's feeling or possibly, savings someone's endangered life. Although others may argue that lying is never okay because you may lose your trust with someone close to you, which is completely possible and even though we all may be conflicted on the topic of lying there are positives and negatives to both sides of the spectrum. Most of us can agree that lying to protect someone's feelings is one of the most common reasons to lie to another.…
In “The Ways We Lie” by Stephanie Ericsson she discusses and breaks down the activity of lying into different kinds of lies. Ericsson goes into great detail of about 10 of them, but there are many more. Some lies are for your peace of mind and maybe still bad for both parties, and some are for the better of someone else’s feelings. Ericsson believes that even if you feel you are perfect, nobody is and still tell lies no matter big or small, we do it and at times are unaware that it is considered a lie. Individuals nowadays get to a point where they are lying and don’t know whether to believe themselves or others.…
If you ask most people do you think lying is acceptable, majority of them will not hesitate and tell you yes, and then give you multiple reasons on why lying is a bad thing. But if you actually sit down and think, everyone lies several times a day sometimes without even knowing it because the lie was so small and meaningless. But in other occasions people lie to protect things they care for and about they are also willing to accept the consequences behind their lies and actions. Some may even feel that lying at that point of time it was acceptable due to the situation they are put in. In the short story “Someone Ought to Tell Her…
Did you know that lying can harm yourself and others, for one simple lie you said it can hurt a human mankind. Lying can harm you and people around you for just that simple lie you said. Lying is okay only when you are protecting others that you love Lying is always acceptable , when it comes to protecting others , but not when it comes to hurting others.…
In Richard Gunderman 's article, "Is Lying Bad for Us?" Gunderman believes that all types of lying are inappropriate to use at any time. In his article he states “We live in a culture where it is increasingly common to encourage lying, and even to suppose that there is nothing problematic about doing so” (Gunderman). People today…
There is a plethora of reasons on how there is merit in lying. Rather than following the ignorance of others, we may want to take a look at the opposite side of the coin and lie a little…
It is not OK to lie at other times because people can find out and they will never trust you again. Lying is sometimes allowable and sometimes wrong. Some may feel that lying is never acceptable because it is really wrong but after a while it doesn’t get that confusing. Lying is OK sometimes and bad at other times.…
One day you are cleaning and you move one of the kitchen chairs a little too roughly and you break the counter. What do you do? Get yelled at or blame it on your little cousin that won’t get in trouble for it. I firmly believe that lying is ok in our society. Lying is acceptable if it creates more positive results than negative ones.…
It is ok to lie to someone, if the intention of the lie is to protect that person. I believe this statement can be true in most cases, unless the person who’s getting helped doesn’t want their helper to deal with a big punishment. Say a person makes a mistake at their job, and their friend lies to cover for them. The person would be okay if their if their friend managed to keep their job, but would feel guilty if their friend was fired. Thus, it is sometimes better for people not to lie in some cases, for both the one who wants to help and the person who would get help.…
Lying is acceptable and is in our lives daily. We need lying it is through life…
depending on the individual and the situation at hand. The subjective nature of the truth and lies originates from the fact that they both have a potential of building and maintaining as well as destroying and complicating social relationships. While absolute truth is always commendable and considered the best policy, telling the truth can sometimes complicate and damage social relationships. On the contrary, even lying is an immoral act that can harm social relationships, it is sometimes good since it causes no harm and can occupy a perfectly suitable social place. The subjective nature of these phenomenons make it difficult to give an absolute answer on whether speaking the truth is good and telling a lie is…
What do you think or feel about lying to others?Lying is sometimes acceptable, it just depends on the situation. How would you if someone is lying to not hurt your feels or anyone’s feeling. In my opinion everyone lies for that they do bad or other things to not get blame for anything that they did. For example they to not get in trouble or to just look good with their friends. I believe that lying is sometimes ok because their are certain people with mental health, that will hurt their self if their is something wrong with them or how they look.…
Do you know when it is okay to lie?People lie a lot but it isn’t always the right time to say that lie. Lying is sometimes acceptable. Some may feel that lying is never okay because it can hurt others, I believe that lying is acceptable when it can be used to protect others. In article one, it talks about how Velin, a mother in Palm Desert, say that it was “too darn hot” to out on a movie date with her friend so she told her that she was too busy to go.…
Lying is never ethically okay, yet it is done on a daily basis and is therefore more widely accepted by various people. Generally, lying should be avoided, but there are many situations where it is justified. Instinctive lies, or lies that you automatically tell on the spot are usually ok because it is part of human nature to instinctively lie to protect ourselves. However, planned lies, like stories that you make up on the go or false ideas that you think of before expressing them should never be allowed. For example, if someone were to ask you if you ate the last piece of cake, depending on their tone of voice, for many, their first instinct would be to say, “No!,” without even thinking.…
In fact, we live in a world where it is not only common, but also encouraged to tell lies. It has become a part of our society to tell people they don’t look fat in their outfit (when they do) or to say that we’re doing good (when we aren’t). There are typically four categories into which different types of lies can be separated into: "to protect the feelings of another, for self-protection to avoid punishment, to the self or self-deception, and to hurt others” (Lewis). Some types of lies are more commonly accepted. For example, lying to protect someone else’s feelings is accepted, whereas lying to hurt the people around you is frowned upon.…