Composite volcanoes are volcanoes that are symmetrical cones with steep sides and are built by the accumulation of erupted material over time (“Principal Types of Volcanoes”). Most stratovolcanoes include a crater at the volcano’s summit which connects to a central vent. A crucial component of the stratovolcano is a system known as the conduit system which also stored magma to advance to the surface (“Principal Types of Volcanoes”). Without this system, the debris erupted by the composite volcano would not be reaching the surface in order to help create the volcano itself. Lack of the conduit system would also lead to the natural process of erosion destroying the volcano’s cone (“Principal Types of Volcanoes”). The feature that makes a stratovolcano different from other volcano types is the process of how the volcano is built and expanded through erupted waste during the span of countless eruptions. Stratovolcanoes are also responsible for the largest amount of deaths than other variety of volcano, and can lead to a disaster known as a mudflow or lahar (“Stratovolcanoes”). Widely known examples of stratovolcanoes include the Mayon volcano in the Philippines, Mount Fuji of Japan, and Mount Rainier of the United States (“Volcanoes”). Composite volcanoes may seem difficult to form and easy to destroy; however, one may prove to …show more content…
A cinder cone volcano is formed by the eruption of lava particles during the course of a single vent, and contain a crater with a bowl shape at the summit (“Principal Types of Volcanoes”). Most cinder cones usually reach a height at or below one-thousand feet, and the height increases as the duration of the vent that creates the volcano increases (“Volcanoes”). Cinder cones are unique among the other variations of volcanoes due to the composition of the volcano’s cone. The cone consists of cinders also known as scoria which forms low density lava (“Cinder Cones”). Volcanoes that are cinder cones include Paricutin in Mexico and Mauna Kea in Hawaii (“Principal Types of Volcanoes”). Cinder cones may also be found in vast amounts in western North America and along areas comprised of volcanic environments (Principal Types of Volcanoes. Cinder cones are easily recognized and are quickly and efficiently