Sherlock Holmes was a story written about London in the 1800s. It described crime in that time period and how it was dealt with. However, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle was inaccurate in his writing. Sherlock was a brilliant detective, and he always solved the case. However, London in the 1800s was very dangerous, and the police were useless. This made London the perfect place for crime. There were unsolved murder trials, terrible police forces, and public executions.
Sherlock was a detective and solved murders that other people would not be able to solve. He was a very skilled detective and could memorize a room within seconds of entering it. Although …show more content…
For Sherlock this was a very easy task. He was undeniably brilliant, and he will be the first one to tell you that. Sherlock has a nemesis named James Moriarty who is his “evil equal”. Moriarty is just as intelligent as Sherlock and played Sherlock like a game. Catching Moriarty is Sherlock’s goal.
“During the era which the Ripper was active, there were eleven murders committed in London’s east end. These murders took place between April 3, 1888 and February 13, 1891” (Whitechapel Jack). Jack the Ripper was a famous serious killer in the late 1880s in London. The murders took place in Whitechapel District in London’s East End. During this time many prostitutes were killed and found with mutilated bodies, indicating he had knowledge of the human anatomy. “Jack” was never found and he is one of London’s and the world’s most infamous criminals. There were several letters …show more content…
73,000 people were taken into custody, 45,941 were male and 27,209 were female. There was much to suggest that only a small portion of crime was reported to the police. Every male householder was expected to contribute to policing the streets. Every citizen was to report and prosecute anyone they witnessed committing a felony. Londoners became less willing to take in prosecutions with informers and thief takers playing an increasingly important role. They were given no weapons or source of protection. Householders started to withdraw from serving as night watchmen and constables. Watchmen were unpaid so they started hiring deputies instead. There were many anxieties sparked by postwar crimes. There was a lack of confidence in the police force because most of them would be drunk on duty. Victims of crime knew it was useless to complain, and even if the police showed up on the scene it was likely they would leave because there would be nitric acid thrown on their face. Children would be attacked, dragged down alleys, stripped, kidnapped and stolen for their skins. During this dangerous time in London, half strangling became a trend and caused a great wave of panic to spread. Eventually punishment would start taking