Sharon Begley of The trials of silicone addresses the significant health risks that occur with silicone implants due to the silicone dissolving in the body causing systemic disease. Since the 1990’s many tests have been done and all have proven that silicone implants cause connective-tissue disease and autoimmune disease. Causing painful infections that attack the whole body leading to death if neglected. “As many as 2 million women have had breast implants; several thousand have sued manufacturers alleging harm from the silicone”(1). Silicone implants have gone down in popularity over the years, but it is alternative saline implants, though safer for the body, have issues too. Spiegler of Breast Implants: Once is not enough introduces the risks that plastic surgery can inflict on patients. Implants leak leaving the recipient with uneven breasts and an empty bag that can only be removed at an additional cost (1). The patients are then left with a choice of losing a substantial amount of money that they may not be able to …show more content…
Breast augmentation may interfere with mammography interpretation notifies that implants make reading a mammography difficult due to the implants lowering the sensitivity for screening. The interference makes reading the test more difficult resulting in a higher amount of false negatives. The false test results can lead to women finding out they have cancer only once it is at a deadly stage. The dilemma with this is that “breast augmentation (implants) is the third most common type of plastic surgery performed for cosmetic reasons in the United States, with 268,888 procedures performed in 2002”(1). This popularity causes more women to have a greater chance of being falsely diagnosed leading to more deaths in the female population. Many women like Danielle Lloyd author of Wish I'd Never Messed With My Body advises against plastic surgery using her horrific experiences as a tale of warning. Mrs. Lloyd a retired model and former Miss England grew up with a need to stay at a standard of beauty. So, when one of her “breast implants exploded in 2012. She was rushed to a hospital where doctors discovered that a blood clot had formed beneath her muscle, forcing them to remove the implants completely”(1). She now regrets ever going under the knife and wishes someone had stopped her to prevent the scarring and the deflation of her breasts. She now sees scars everyday feeding