Was the American Revolution Inevitable? Was the American Revolution inevitable as people today think it was? Some people say that the war was inevitable from the time governors were chosen by the crown. Other people disagree and say that if the crown had been fairer to the colonists, the colonists would not have rebelled, and the American Revolution would not have happened.…
The French and Indian War, also known as The Seven Year War, was a pivotal point European occupation of North America. The war ended with the British and colonists victorious, eliminating all of the French colonies, and forever changing the relationship between the American colonies and Great Britain. These alterations include changes in political, economic, and ideological relationships. The war left Great Britain with a great amount of debt, and land.…
The French and Indian war was the result of a clash between the French and the English. The results of the war ended the French power in the North Colonies and gave the winning side- the english- land and power but also war debt. Salutary Neglect was an undocumented agreement between the colonies and the English where the motherland would go easy on the colonies in exchange for their loyalty. The period of salutary neglect was over after The French and Indian war, the English were no longer lenient towards the colonies and wanted to enforce mercantilism. The proclamation of 1763 was a declaration after the end of salutary neglect which forbid colonists from settling west of the Appalachians which the British won from The French and Indian war.…
The French and Indian War had begun in 1754 because of a boundary dispute between the French and the British. The French argued that the British had settled along the Ohio Valley that was located in their territory, thus resulting in a brutal event that is also known as the Seven Years’ War. The relationship between Britain and its North American Colonies was modified due to the French and Indian War because of the land acquisitions and economy that forever changed the way they communicated and interacted with each other. For there are many reasons why the British and North American Colonies’ relationship have altered, the land acquisition largely contributed to the way they communicate and interact post-war.…
WWI was a conflict between major powers such as France, Britain, Germany, etc. The conflict took place between July 28th 1914 and November 11th 1918. A majority of the fighting took place in Europe, with the war also spreading into Russia. There were two major factions fighting in the war. One of the major factions was the Central Powers composed of Germany, Austria-Hungary, the Ottoman Empire, Bulgaria, and others.…
The American Revolution 1754-1781 From 1650 – 1763: Salutary neglect (a brief period of leniency in the implementation of parliament laws by the British government to the American colonies) before and during the French and Indian War, allowing for a growing independence and sense of Nationalism among the Americans who had started to exhibit this through their establishment of “representative legislatures and democratic town meetings”. From 1754 – 1763: A war was fought between the French and British Government for colonial dominance in North America. During the war the French allied itself with several Native American Tribes (hence the name “French and Indian War”). This war ended after the British captured “major cities and forts in Canada…
Unequal Distribution of Blame A disastrous and chaotic time period of unconsolable mothers, wives, and children being left without the love of their family members and having to mourn on their deaths, was the result of something that could have been avoided, but was caused by confusion and pride. Europe was an envied nation due to their advance in technology, art, and music. Everything seemed to be going too well for the Europeans, but soon enough, everything changed. Europe had hope of creating a system which balanced the amount of power each nation had, in order to diminish the chances of one nation taking over the other, but many complications made it difficult for that plan to work out.…
The end of the French and Indian war in 1763 was a victory for England. Having defeated one of their most powerful European rivals, the French, the British felt confident they had control over the majority of the American continent. However, the victory was very costly, and resulted in Britain’s decision to increase revenue from their mainland colonies. The British government did this through a number of taxation and legislation. These actions had adverse effects because they were rejected by the colonies and started a revolution.…
The British colonies were going well in the 1700’s. There were conflicts with the Native Americans but nothing really too large. There was no way to predict that the thirteen colonies would try to form their own colonies. The Seven Years’ War was unexpected and one of the most significant events to happen to North America. This war was closely related to the fur trade.…
Everyone kept mostly the same amount of land. If the British restrict the United States trade then there will be a war. There are many things that lead up to the War of 1812. One of the things is that the British attempt to restrict the U.S. trade ( History.…
The seven years war also known as the “French and Indian War” was fought on 1754 and ended on 1763 with the trendy of paris. The French and the Native Americans fought on the frontier of the Ohio River Valley where the French placed…
Along with Florida, Great Britain also gained territory in French Canada. The map of colonial Empires in North America in 1754 and 1763, shows the shift of colonial power before and after the French and Indian War (document A). At the start of the war, France owned all the land from the Appalachian Mountains to the Rockies. More importantly, France had claims to the Mississippi River, a major transportation hub, allowing them to greatly expand their trade. At the end of the war however, France’s rule in North America became nonexistent, making them no longer a threat to the English colonies.…
The Seven Years’ War was one that had two imperialist superpowers engaged in battle over territory in North America. While Britain and France were the two major countries at play, other countries became involved through alliances, causing the war to become a possibility for the first global war. Nevertheless, the war’s main focus was in North America. Native American tribes were also involved such as the Algonquins, who sided with the French in battle; the Iroquois alongside the American colonists fought for the British. As for the front in America, scholars and writers have differing opinions as to whether the Seven Years’ War transformed the colonial life, causing them to push towards a revolution and independence.…
The relationship between the American Colonies and Great Britain were changed economically and politically after the seven years’ war (1756-1763). The conclusion of the war led to more events that began with The British Empire restriction on the expansion on settlings of colonists towards the states that were abandoned by the French colonies. The Great Britain won the war, so they went into deep debts which led to unfair taxation of the colonists. The real shift in mutual relationship is rooted in the atmosphere of Proclamation 1763. The Royal Proclamation of 1763 was seen as being useful to the Native American Indians and Great Britain; however it was a disadvantage to the colonists.…