Jewish traditions stress the significance having knowledge of the Torah through schooling. Being knowledgeable about the Torah makes a person a better potential spouse. This is shown by the father, Yankel, traveling to a close town that focuses on teaching people about the Torah. This town was where he aimed to find a student at one of the schools to become a suitor for daughter.
The more knowledge one has about the Torah, the more others admire you. The brothers were impressed with Shmerel, the potential man for their sister, despite his ill manners simply because he was able to recite the words of the Torah. After Shmerel delivered the verses of the Torah over dinner, everyone in attendance was immediately impressed with him and the wedding was held immediately. The wedding was very traditional, with several prayers from the Torah being read. Once again, the new husband recited the Torah to the guests. The brothers wish to have him in their family in order to gain knowledge from him, even though they are scholars