Seinfeld was an American sitcom that aired between 1989 to 1998, and was created by Larry David and Jerry Seinfeld. It also starred Jerry Seinfeld as himself and his friends notably Jason Alexander as George Constanza, Julia Louis-Dreyfus as Elaine Benes, and finally Michael Richards as Cosmo Kramer. The show had multiple recurring characters like Wayne Knight as Newman, (Kramer’s friend and nemesis to Jerry), Larry David as George Steinbrenner (Georges boss and owner of the New York Yankees), and finally Jerry Stiller as Frank Costanza (Georges Father), among many others. When asked to summarize what the show is about, most longtime pundits would tell …show more content…
Although, this is the tagline widely associated with the show it mainly deals with the lives of the main characters. This is not a common show to call your favorite childhood show when there were perfectly good cartoon shows to watch during my childhood like SpongeBob, Fairly Odd Parents, The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy, and Powerpuff Girls. Nonetheless, there is a reason that dates back all the way to when I was in daycare.