Although these notions may play a factor in Aboriginal children and youth’s education, health and safety, there is also another important factor that also plays a role that is embedded in society, which is the education system itself. Are teachers and school staff doing all that they can to promote the wellness of Aboriginal children and youth, or are they just allowing it to happen, based on the notion that there’s nothing they can do simply because the children are ‘Aboriginal’? Although we cannot change history, we can definitely change the way we treat Indigenous students, as well as combating racism, discrimination, and stereotypical notions. Often, Aboriginal children and youth face acts of bullying in school, which may be also contribution to their levels of low attendance and school drop out rates. Teachers and school staff can play a role in diminishing this by educating students about Aboriginal culture, as well as racism and discrimination, which will hopefully alter the students perspectives on Aboriginals and racism and
Although these notions may play a factor in Aboriginal children and youth’s education, health and safety, there is also another important factor that also plays a role that is embedded in society, which is the education system itself. Are teachers and school staff doing all that they can to promote the wellness of Aboriginal children and youth, or are they just allowing it to happen, based on the notion that there’s nothing they can do simply because the children are ‘Aboriginal’? Although we cannot change history, we can definitely change the way we treat Indigenous students, as well as combating racism, discrimination, and stereotypical notions. Often, Aboriginal children and youth face acts of bullying in school, which may be also contribution to their levels of low attendance and school drop out rates. Teachers and school staff can play a role in diminishing this by educating students about Aboriginal culture, as well as racism and discrimination, which will hopefully alter the students perspectives on Aboriginals and racism and