Little son, you know where your father’s gossip pipe is kept. Get it.You know also where your cousin’s pipe is kept. Get it. Attend. Two Two got the pipes. Whitebone lit up with a tiny brand plucked from the cooking fire. Scarlet Plume also lit up. The two men smoked together. It was a silent smoke, leisurely done, full of good taste and content. The two men finished their smoke at exactly the same time and together clapped out their pipes. Again Whitebone spoke to Scarlet Plume. My son, a thing is troubling thee. My ears, even my red heart, are open. They all listen” (115). Today in our community, we just speak our minds if we want to. We don’t have to wait for one person or more to spoke a pipe and be finished with it and be forced to speak our minds. “A puff of smoke showed above a far hill to the north. Almost immediately after, another far puff shoed; then two quick ones. Everybody stared at the puffs of smoke. More smoke signals puffed up. Slowly the puffs of smoke bleed off into the mile distance. Above the trees across the lake rose an answering smoke signal” ( 19-20). In our community today we don’t send several smoke signals across town to get a message or to send them a warning or something like that. Today we call, text, send letters, make a speech to send people messages and warnings for communicating. “Judith loved the cool mornings of the wild frontier prairie. It was the one time …show more content…
Women and children piled inside and hid as best they could. Vikes tied his team of horses to a wagon standing against the south wall of the cabin. Men looked to their guns and powder, and picked their spots inside along the log walls” (31). Now women and children are allowed to fight their own battles instead of just having men fight their battles for them. They don’t have to hide in houses or behind things, they can go out and do it themselves, they don’t need men to take charge and do everything big for them. “Numbly Judith watched Scarlet Plume pull up in front of where Whitebone and his band of soldier Dakota sat. She watched Scarlet Plume slide to earth. She watched him sit on the ground in front of Whitebone, the others gathering around. She watched them light the pipe and pass it—the inviolable Dakota custom of never taking measure without first smoking the pipe” (75). We don’t use pipes anymore other than just for smoking instead of communicating, for saying what is on their own minds for