Salbutamol Assignment

Improved Essays
Pharmacology 1 Major Assignment

The chemical name of salbutamol is 1-(4-hydroxy-3-hydroxymethylphenyl)-2-(t-butylamino)-ethanol sulphate, chemical structure is (C13H21NO3)2 • H2SO4 and molecular weight is 576.7g/mol
Generic Name: albuterol
Commonly used brand name(s):

Available doses and dosage forms:

Oral salbutamol:
Adults and Children over 12 years:
Usual starting dosage of salbutamol is 2mg or 4 mg 3 or 4 times a day. A dosage exceeding 4 milligrams of salbutamol 4 times per day should be used only when the patient is not responding well. If the desirable response is not achieved with 4 milligrams, it should be carefully increased up to a maximum of 8 milligrams 4 times daily as tolerated.
Children 6-12 years:
The Usual starting dose of salbutamol is 2 milligrams 3 or 4 times a day, If the desirable response is not achieved using 2 mg salbutamol, the dose should be increased up to a maximum of 24 milligrams per day divided into 3 or 4 doses. Children 2-6 years: The dose is 1 milligram salbutamol 3 or 4 times daily.
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Salbutamol metered dose inhaler (MDI):
The dose of salbutamol inhaler for adults, and children over four years old:
► For the treatment of acute bronchial asthma or bronchospasm, the usual dose is one puff (100 mcg) or two puffs (200 mcg) of salbutamol inhaler every 4 to 6 hours.
► For maintenance therapy of bronchial asthma, one or two puffs 3 to 4 times daily.
► For the prevention of bronchospasm caused by exercise, take two puffs 15 minutes before the exercise.
Salbutamol dry powder inhaler (DPI) capsule:
Salbutamol DPI is taken only by oral inhalation, using an inhalation device. The usual dose of salbutamol dry powder inhaler capsule for adults, and children over four years old: ► to treat acute bronchial asthma or bronchospasm, the dose is 1 capsule (200 mcg) or 2 capsules (400 mcg) inhaled every 4 to 6 hours. ►to treat of bronchial asthma symptoms, 1 capsule (200 mcg) or 2 capsules (400 mcg) are inhaled 3 or 4 times daily. ► For the prevention of bronchospasm caused by exercise, one capsule (for children) or two capsules (for adults) inhaled 15 minutes before exercise. Salbutamol nebulised solution: For the treatment of severe bronchial asthma and acute bronchospasm in adults and children over 2 years, one milliliter (for children) or two milliliter (for adults). nebulised solution should be diluted to volume of 2-4 milliliter with normal saline, and is inhaled from a driven nebulizer. It takes about 10 minutes. Nebulization may be repeated during the day. Salbutamol injection: For the treatment of severe bronchial asthma and acute bronchospasm in adults, 10 milliliters of salbutamol is injected intramuscularly, or 5 milliliter intravenously may be effective. Dose may be repeated if needed. Children are not recommended for salbutamol injection. Mechanism of action: * Salbutamol stimulates β2 adrenergic receptors which are present in the bronchial smooth muscles of the lung. The Stimulation of β2 receptors leads to the activation of adenylyl cyclase which in turn form cyclic AMP (adenosine-mono-phosphate) from ATP. This high level of cyclic AMP lead to the relaxation of bronchial smooth muscle, and decreases the airway resistance by lowering intracellular calcium. * High level of cyclic AMP will also inhibits the release of bronchoconstrictor mediators such as histamine, and leukotriene from the mast cells in the airway. Pharmacological Use: 1. Bronchospasm with reversible obstructive airway diseases Salbutamol is indicated for the prevention and treatment of bronchospasm with obstructive airway diseases such as

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