Ryan Murphyy Analysis

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Ryan Murphy is one of the most creative and talented television writers of the 21st Century. He has penned three hits with the FOX Network, and these shows illustrates his complexity as a writer. Glee, American Horror Story, and Scream Queens show the different levels of Ryan Murphy. He shows the viewers that he can either separate these levels or add these levels together. Either way, whatever he creates becomes a hit.
The show Glee first premiered on the FOX Network on May 19, 2009. The show starred high schoolers, who came from different backgrounds. These teens also had different personalities that set them apart, and this is what helped them become household names. The main cast were part of a glee club, an organization that resembled
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Murphy created these characters that had a true level of realism, along with the episodes that accompanied them. With each episode, Murphy targeted a real-life issue that was present at the time of its making. He covered issues like bullying and self-image with Mercedes Jones (Amber Riley) and Rachel Berry (Lea Michele). He also covered homosexuality and the bashing that comes along with it, by using Kurt Hummel (Chris Colfer). He talked about teenage pregnancy, abortion, and adoption with Quinn Fabray (Dianna Agron), Finn Hudson (Cory Monteith), and Puck (Mark Salling). Murphy’s unique way of blending these storylines in with the original plot shows how complex he is as a creator. Although Murphy talks about serious present day issues, he uses comical situations to depict the social norm for teenagers. For example, when the character Rachel becomes ashamed of her “Jewish nose” and decides she wants to have plastic surgery. Rachel is also very self-conscious of herself as whole. This was shown in Episode 1, Season 1 when she is talking to Mr.Schuester …show more content…
Scream Queens premiered on September 22, 2015 with the FOX Network. This show started off with utter stupidity. The plot is based on a sorority full of clueless girls, led by a ditzy, blonde who is completely ruthless. The sorority is being stalked and hunted down by a killer known as the Red Devil. Murphy uses the comical aspects of social norms, like in Glee, to give personalities to the characters. There are the Chanels, a group of ditzy blondes, who love the color pink. There is a self-conscience, overweight college freshmen, who is obsessed with candles. There is Zayday (Keke Palmer), who is the stereotypical version of an urban, African American teenager. The list goes on of different characters created by Murphy. This series has hormonal teens, yet it has a savage killer on the loose that kills whoever gets in his path. The killer has goofy ways of killing the cast. For example, in a humorous scene, the Red Devil traps Chanel #2 (Ariana Grande) in her room. Chanel #2 is a blogger, and this is how the killer communicates to her. They text and blog each other to the last moments of Chanel #2’s life, ending with her asking her followers on social media to save her. The show also becomes very mysterious. Who is the killer? Why is he killing the girls? Is the killer even a he? All of these questions boggled my mind while watching, leaving me once again craving more of

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