Both Sarah and Chemelwitz had not personal connection or acknowledgment of each other, therefore he is not able to have a personal connection with Sarah. Even though Chemelwitz does not maintain any relationship with Hannah, his is still able to acknowledge her accomplishments. This seems contradictory because of his tone, but Chemelwtiz is purposely placed on the stage alone and maintains an unapologetic tone so that the audience pays attention to his physical presence and his gerneal dialogue. Chemelwtiz tone futhermore is paradoxical because he does not regret the death of Sarah, he still understands the accomplishments without maintain any personal connection prior to her funeral. Chemolwitz with his tone is able to convey the audience the spectatoulous journey of Sarah Ironman and her ability to work hard as a foreign immigrant in America. Therefore the speculators tone of Chemolqtiz can pertain to her ability to acknowledge Sarah by not maintain regret for her life and her accomplishments. In a way being unapologetic gives Chemowltsz the power to emphasize the qualities of Sarah’s life rather than the sadness of her death. Chemolwitz emphiazies Sarah’s life accomplishments when he stated “You can never make that crossing that she made for such Great Voyages in this world do not anymore exist. But everyday of your lives, the miles, the voyage from that place to this one you cross every day. You …show more content…
The Borborygmi Hannah is in the apartment with Harper. The tittle Borygmi atones to the ability to being able to accept the facts. When Hannah enters this scene she is with Harper in the apartment. Hannah understands at this point in the text that her life has been difficult and the decisions and pains which her son has provided her has made her ponder upon accepting his decision. Since Hannah had to understand the environment around her she becomes more accepting of reality. She says, “It can be very hard to accept how disappointing life is, Harper, because that’s what it is, and you have to accept it. With fair and time and hard work you reach a point where . . . where the disappointment doesn’t hurt as much, and then it gets easy to live with.”(180). Hannah is referring to her son Joe’s action in this part of the scene. Hannah is trying to tell Harper to move past Joe and faults because it is not worth regretting time that has past. The ability for Hannah to tell Harper to move forward required Hannah to accept the faults of her son and accept new identities not as beliefs, rather as facts. Accepting facts allow for character development in Hannah because she is a Mormon Woman. But the fact that she is a Mormon Woman is not described by her labels rather her progression towards the end of the text define who she has